  • #1 від svit 22 Jan 2023
  • прочитавши таке

    Илон Маск озвучил последствия наступления Украины на Крым
    Елена Прошина
    Американский предприниматель Илон Маск посоветовал Украине воздержаться от атаки на Крым, так как подобные действия лишь усугубят конфликт с Россией, а это поставит под угрозу не только Киев, но и весь мир. Об этом пишет URA.RU со ссылкой на страницу Илона Маска в Twitter.

    Але такого тексту в його повідомленнях не знайшов, може хто читав?
  • #2 від svit 22 Jan 2023
  • Саме пісьмо таке.

    Dear and respected Elon Musk!

    You are currently the number one person in the world.

    But, of course, after Vladimir. I hope for your understanding which Vladimir I mean.

    I share your concern for the fate of mankind. You are calling not to fight very hard with Russia.

    Please tell me how you can not fight very hard with a murderer for whom the life of a person,
    lives of hundreds, thousands, millions of people is of no value? Do you have a clear prescription?
    overcome this threat, a threat to all of us, including you personally?

    You are calling for an agreement. If I understand you correctly. Tell me, is it possible to negotiate with a maniac,
    who killed your family? Hundreds, thousands of families, tens of thousands?

    At the moment, houses in Ukraine are destroyed, people are dying, Russia is bombing infrastructure, dooming people
    to death from the lack of heat, light, gas in the houses. Children in Ukraine remain without fathers, without mothers,
    children themselves die. The real Devil has come into the world. HE brings destruction and death.

    The global economy is heading towards recession.

    And it's all the fault of one person who does not appreciate this world, these people, all our achievements,
    all your personal accomplishments.

    He, the Devil, came to destroy this world. Do you propose to negotiate with him? About what?

    Come to Kyiv, appoint a meeting with Vladimir Zelensky, talk. He is more clear to you
    outline the situation, you look at it from afar. Come to Kharkiv, see what the Devil
    done with this city. Just see firsthand.

    In the city of Izyum, near Kharkiv, the space technology center of the former Soviet Union,
    found hundreds of dead people. Young people - women, men. Children, old people.

    In the city of Dnipro, also one of the centers of space technology, a few days ago was inflicted
    a terrifying blow to peaceful homes, 45 people died. Men, women, children, old people.

    Do you have a clear recipe for how People, our Civilization, can negotiate with Evil?

    Give us all this recipe, describe the way to destroy evil. And then we will all thank you.

    In the meantime, you don’t have this recipe, it’s better to sit and be silent.
  • #3 від div 22 Jan 2023
  • Какого хня он лезет в политику. Это ж явно не его :(
  • #4 від Outlander 22 Jan 2023
  • Код: [Select]
    #!/usr/bin/env python3

    def get_authentic_title(TITLE):
        return TITLE.replace(" пісьмо до Маска", "ся знову")

    title = "Нахуярив пісьмо до Маска"

  • #5 від Uki 22 Jan 2023
  • Просто треба меньше шнирятись хуйловськими помийками.... Ось той твіт з якого кацапи зліпили ту зраду
