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Offline Адам Жоржович

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Похмелье в Тегеране. Как Черчилль и Рузвельт уступали нажиму Сталина


"А спитай - нахуя?"(с)

Offline Feral Cat

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  • Never give in!
Похмелье в Тегеране. Как Черчилль и Рузвельт уступали нажиму Сталина


"А спитай - нахуя?"(с)

Бо дебіли.
Рузвельт взагалі був повним ідіотом по життю... Такий собі варіянт нинішнього Єблана. Його Держдеп взагалі перетворився на філію Наркомата Іностранних Дєл СССР.  :lol:
If you are going through hell, keep going.

Offline Адам Жоржович

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До речі, у 45му Паттон пропонував не зупинятися на штучних рубіжах, просуватися по максимуму, повністю окупувати Берлін і Східну Європу і по суті видушити совок нахуй "за лєнтачьку":


« Останнє редагування: Листопада 28, 2023, 07:13:16 19:13 від Адам Жоржович »

Offline Feral Cat

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Patton was clearly talking about the Soviets or Russians. Here are some of his quotes about the Soviets:

“We promised the Europeans freedom. It would be worse than dishonorable not to see they have it. This might mean war with the Russians, but what of it? They have no Air Force anymore ,their gasoline and ammunition supplies are low .I've seen their miserable supply trains; mostly wagons drawn by beaten up old hoses or oxen. I'll say this; the Third Army alone with very little help and with damned few casualties, could lick what is left of the Russians in six weeks. You mark my words. Don't ever forget them. Someday we will have to fight them and it will take six years and cost us six million lives.”

“There are all kins of low class slime who are trying and will continue to try to wreck this country from the inside. Most of them don't know it, but they are actually working for the Russians. Some of them do know it, though. It doesn't matter whether they call themselves communists, socialists, or just plain liberals. That is what they are doing.”

“We have destroyed what could have been a good race of people [Germans] and we are about to replace them with mongolian savages and all of Europe with communism”

“General Anders of the Polish 2nd corps told me that if his corps got between a German Army and a Russian Army, he would have trouble deciding which direction to fight.”

“The one thing which I could not say then, and cannot yet say, is that my chief interest in establishing order in Germany was to prevent Germany from going communist. I am afraid that our foolish and utterly stupid policy regard to Germany will certainly cause them to join the Russians, and there by insure communistic state throughout western Europe”

“If it should be necessary for us fight the Russians. the sooner we do it, the better. If we have to fight them , now is the time. From now on, we will get weaker and they will get stronger.”

“It is said that for the first week after the Russians took berlin, all woman who ran were shot and those who did not were raped. I could have taken Berlin if I had been allowed.”

“I believe that Germany should not be destroyed, but rather should be rebuilt as a buffer against the real danger, which is Russia and it's bolshevism.”

“Russia knows what it wants: world domination, and she is laying her plans accordingly. We on the other hand, and England, and France to a lesser extent, don't know what we want and get less than nothing as the result.”

Let's keep our boots polished bayonets sharpened, and present a picture of force and strength to the Russians. This is the only language that they understand and respect. If you fail to do this, then I would like to say that we have had a victory over the Germans and have disarmed them, but we have lost the war.

"We may have been fighting the wrong enemy (Germany) all along. But while we're here (on the Soviet border), we should go after the bastards now, 'cause we're gonna have to fight 'em eventually."
If you are going through hell, keep going.

Offline Адам Жоржович

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Арьол-мущіна був, без жартів. Шкода, що "бєзврємєнна" :smilie2:.

Offline Йожин з бажин

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Арьол-мущіна був, без жартів. Шкода, що "бєзврємєнна" :smilie2:.

Есть мнение, что не совсем "безвременно".

А помогли.
No money No honey

Offline Комашки

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Ну, вся друга світова, від її початку до її закінчення - це демонстрація того, як "дебільна частина заходу" просрала все що можна, й все що не можна. Потім, коли дзоьобнув смажений півень, дебіли заверещали та поклалися на Паттонів.
Коли Паттони розрулили, дебіли очухалися не гірше за наш продукт нечестивого коїтуса арахніди та хламідії. Хранцузи навіть до підписання капітуляції примазалися. Й всі почали кайфувати, лишивши пів-європи під дупою совка.
Товаріщ сралін тим часом теж кайфував, й готувався сам бахнути західну Європу (танки, ядерки, м'ясо, оце усе). Що там вийшло б по ітогу - питання дискусійне (загалом ідєйка була взяти Європу, не допустити нову Нормандію, ну й сидіти огризатися). Але що б там вийшло по процесу - тут все простіше, дупа на всю Європу.
Таким чином, коли таваріщ сралін сдох як пес, всім дебілам неймовірно пощастило, й Паттонів вони згадують лише як "варіянтік що міг би дати майбутнє без холодної війни". Хоча за фактом воно трохи не так питання стояло.