Американські федеральні тюрми перетворюються на інкубатори радикальних ісламістів.
Ripe for radicalization: Federal prisons 'breeding ground' for terrorists, say experts
America’s federal prisons have become a “breeding ground” for radical Islam, warn critics, who say imprisoned terrorists are more likely to spread their beliefs than renounce them.
As law enforcement authorities lock up more home-grown terrorists, experts are warning the success could turn sour if jailhouse jihadists are allowed to infect fellow inmates. Prisons have long been criticized for a culture that can make some inmates more dangerous than when they entered, but the possibility that typical felons could become lone wolf terrorists upon earning parole is a disturbing new wrinkle.
“Over the years, our Federal prisons have become a breeding ground for radicalization."
- Rep. Stephen Fincher, R-Tenn