Джошуа Фішман - американській лінгвіст що досліджував асиміляції та відродження мов.
Він пропонував таку схему з восьми пунктів. Ключовим моментом є повне втілення кожного попереднього етапу. Вчений стверджував, що без реалізації перших пунктів, останні будуть пустою тратою часу.
Steps in reversing language shift
There are many different theories or models that attempt to lay out a plan for language revitalization. One of these is provided by celebrated linguist Joshua Fishman. Fishman's model for reviving threatened (or sleeping) languages, or for making them sustainable,consists of an eight-stage process. Efforts should be concentrated on the earlier stages of restoration until they have been consolidated before proceeding to the later stages. The eight stages are:
1) Acquisition of the language by adults, who in effect act as language apprentices (recommended where most of the remaining speakers of the language are elderly and socially isolated from other speakers of the language).
2) Create a socially integrated population of active speakers (or users) of the language (at this stage it is usually best to concentrate mainly on the spoken language rather than the written language).
3) In localities where there are a reasonable number of people habitually using the language, encourage the informal use of the language among people of all age groups and within families and bolster its daily use through the establishment of local neighbourhood institutions in which the language is encouraged, protected and (in certain contexts at least) used exclusively.
4) In areas where oral competence in the language has been achieved in all age groups encourage literacy in the language but in a way that does not depend upon assistance from (or goodwill of) the state education system.
5) Where the state permits it, and where numbers warrant, encourage the use of the language in compulsory state education.
6) Where the above stages have been achieved and consolidated, encourage the use of the language in the workplace (lower worksphere).
7) Where the above stages have been achieved and consolidated encourage the use of the language in local government services and mass media.
8) Where the above stages have been achieved and consolidated encourage use of the language in higher education, government, etc.