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Re: Аналіз президентських виборів в США
« Reply #240 : Листопада 19, 2020, 08:41:47 20:41 »
Навіть якщотрумп помилує сам себе-прокуратура штату Нью Йорк відкриє справи про ухиляння від податків штату.А там-беззаперечні докази.рижа фекалія не платила податки і махлювала

1. Селиться в маролаго
2. Друзі з влади попереджають перед тим як за ним прийдуть

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Re: Аналіз президентських виборів в США
« Reply #241 : Листопада 19, 2020, 09:19:23 21:19 »
Rudy Giuliani and the Trump campaign held a press conference on Thursday afternoon bringing forth a detailing of their exhaustive evidence of voter-fraud and irregularities.

Giuliani presented affidavits from voters and poll workers from Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, Detroit, and other locations, alleging outright fraud by election officials on behalf of the Biden-Harris ticket. He claimed that there are "more than double" the number of votes needed to overturn the election.

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Re: Аналіз президентських виборів в США
« Reply #242 : Листопада 19, 2020, 09:26:22 21:26 »
1. Селиться в маролаго
2. Друзі з влади попереджають перед тим як за ним прийдуть

там и на федеральном уровне будут  запросы 

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Re: Аналіз президентських виборів в США
« Reply #243 : Листопада 19, 2020, 09:33:18 21:33 »
1. Селиться в маролаго
2. Друзі з влади попереджають перед тим як за ним прийдуть

А що, штат Флоріда не видасть штатові Нью-Йорк афериста-казнокрада ?

Ну на Ростов він, звичайно, встигне змитись після отримання запиту, респи з опідарашених тут підсоблять  :smilie7:

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Re: Аналіз президентських виборів в США
« Reply #244 : Листопада 19, 2020, 09:34:20 21:34 »
А що, штат Флоріда не видасть штатові Нью-Йорк афериста-казнокрада ?

Там всі свої

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Re: Аналіз президентських виборів в США
« Reply #245 : Листопада 19, 2020, 09:35:34 21:35 »
Там всі свої

наймут рейнжеров и смешком на голове вывезут :laugh:

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Re: Аналіз президентських виборів в США
« Reply #246 : Листопада 19, 2020, 09:36:40 21:36 »
Там всі свої

І що, вони нададуть бидлану притулок ? :smilie5:

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Re: Аналіз президентських виборів в США
« Reply #247 : Листопада 19, 2020, 09:38:09 21:38 »
кстати помилования трумпа будет большим ударом по респам

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Re: Аналіз президентських виборів в США
« Reply #248 : Листопада 19, 2020, 09:42:16 21:42 »
І що, вони нададуть бидлану притулок ? :smilie5:

Звичайно. В той час поки адвокати затягуватимуть справу до нескінченності........ Потім затягуватимуть вирішення питання про екстрадицію до нескіненності.....

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Re: Аналіз президентських виборів в США
« Reply #249 : Листопада 19, 2020, 09:44:06 21:44 »
Звичайно. В той час поки адвокати затягуватимуть справу до нескінченності........ Потім затягуватимуть вирішення питання про екстрадицію до нескіненності.....

А якщо бидлан висунеться з Флориди в інший штат, тоді як буде ?  :smilie7:

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Re: Аналіз президентських виборів в США
« Reply #250 : Листопада 19, 2020, 09:44:39 21:44 »
Звичайно. В той час поки адвокати затягуватимуть справу до нескінченності........ Потім затягуватимуть вирішення питання про екстрадицію до нескіненності.....

не забывай на додике астрономические долги и если он будет в заточении все пойдет с молотка вместе с имением :laugh:

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Re: Аналіз президентських виборів в США
« Reply #251 : Листопада 19, 2020, 09:45:34 21:45 »
А якщо бидлан висунеться з Флориди в інший штат, тоді як буде ?  :smilie7:

Ну там уже можливі варіанти  :smilie5:

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Re: Аналіз президентських виборів в США
« Reply #252 : Листопада 19, 2020, 09:57:24 21:57 »
ВВП США по округам за Байдена и за Трампа
no comments :laugh:

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Re: Аналіз президентських виборів в США
« Reply #253 : Листопада 19, 2020, 10:00:23 22:00 »
що тут уже трампа саджають? ви коли того передьоргте, протирать не забувайте :gigi:

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Re: Аналіз президентських виборів в США
« Reply #254 : Листопада 19, 2020, 10:46:07 22:46 »
Адвокати трампа просять суд пенселвенії щоб його оголосили переможцем  :smiley16:

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Re: Аналіз президентських виборів в США
« Reply #255 : Листопада 19, 2020, 10:49:53 22:49 »
Адвокати трампа просять суд пенселвенії щоб його оголосили переможцем  :smiley16:

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Re: Аналіз президентських виборів в США
« Reply #256 : Листопада 19, 2020, 10:51:51 22:51 »
9 Key Points from Trump Campaign Press Conference on Challenges to Election Results

Rudy Giuliani and other lawyers representing President Donald Trump’s campaign outlined their case Thursday that the Nov. 3 presidential election was so deeply flawed in several key states that the results should be overturned in the president’s favor.

Giuliani said there was a pattern to the alleged irregularities in key states that suggested, he said, a “plan from a centralized place” to commit voter fraud in cities controlled by Democrats.

He said widespread adoption of vote-by-mail had allowed Democrats to take big-city corruption practices nationwide. “They picked the places where they could get away with it.”

Here are the key allegations the lawyers presented:

1. Observers were allegedly prevented from watching mail-in ballots being opened. Giuliani said that many mail-in ballots were opened without observers being able to check that they were properly signed, a key protection against fraud. Those votes, he said, were “null and void,” especially where the envelopes had been discarded, making recounts useless.

2. Allegedly unequal application of the law in Democratic counties. In Pennsylvania, whose state supreme court created new, relaxed voting rules before the election, Giuliani alleged that absentee voters in Democratic counties were allowed to “cure” defects in their ballots, while voters in Republican counties, which obeyed the state law as written, were not.

3. Voters allegedly arrived at the polls to discover other people had voted for them. Giuliani said that many provisional ballots cast in Pittsburgh were submitted by people who showed up to vote in person, only to be told that they had voted already. He alleged that Democrats had filled out absentee ballots for other people, hoping they would not show up.

4. Election officials were allegedly told not to look for defects in ballots, and to backdate ballots. Giuliani cited an affidavit from an official who swore she was told not to exclude absentee ballots for defects, and to backdate ballots so they would not appear to have been received after Election Day, to avoid a Supreme Court order to sequester those ballots.

5. Ballots casting votes for Joe Biden and no other candidates were allegedly run several times through machines. Giuliani said that there were 60 witnesses in Michigan who would attest to ballots being “produced” quickly and counted twice or thrice. He said that a minimum of 60,000 ballots, and a maximum of 100,000 ballots, were allegedly affected.

6. Absentee ballots were accepted in Wisconsin without being applied for first. Giuliani noted that Wisconsin state law was stricter regarding absentee ballots than most other states are, yet alleged that 60,000 absentee ballots were counted in the Milwaukee area, and 40,000 in the Madison area, without having been applied for properly by the voters who cast them.

7. There were allegedly “overvotes,” with some precincts allegedly recording more voters than residents, among other problems. Giuliani said there was an unusually large number of overvotes in precincts in Michigan and in Wisconsin, which he alleged was the reason that Republicans on the Wayne County Board of Canvassers had refused to certify the results there this week. He also alleged that there were some out-of-state voters in Georgia, and people who had cast votes twice there.

8. Voting machines and software are allegedly owned by companies with ties to the Venezuelan regime and to left-wing donor George Soros. Sidney Powell argued that U.S. votes were being counted overseas, and that Dominion voting machines and Smartmatic software were controlled by foreign interests, manipulating algorithms to change the results. Powell noted specifically that Smartmatic’s owners included two Venezuelan nationals, whom she alleged had ties to the regime of Hugo Chavez and Nicolas Maduro. The legal team alleged that there were statistical anomalies, such as huge batches of votes for Biden, that could not be explained except as manipulation — which, they alleged, happened in the wee hours of the morning as vote-counting had stalled. (The companies have disputed these allegations vigorously.)

9. The Constitution provides a process for electing a president if the vote is corrupted. Jenna Ellis argued that the media, had usurped the power to declare the winner of the election. She made the point, citing Federalist No. 68, that the constitutional process of selecting a president had procedural safeguards against corruption and foreign influence.
Giuliani said that the campaign believed that enough votes were flawed — more than double the margins between Biden and Trump in key states — that the president had a path to victory.

Giuliani presented evidence in the form of sworn affidavits, citing two and noting that the campaign had many more from private individuals.

He noted that several lawsuits that had been dismissed had been filed by private individuals, not the campaign directly. He said lawsuits might be filed in Arizona, and that the campaign was also examining irregularities in New Mexico and Virginia, though he said he did not think there were enough disputed votes in the latter.

Giuliani also took on the media, arguing that they had provided misleading information and condoned threats against Trump’s legal team.

If you are going through hell, keep going.

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If you are going through hell, keep going.

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Re: Аналіз президентських виборів в США
« Reply #259 : Листопада 19, 2020, 11:47:59 23:47 »
Отак виглядає вкид:  :weep: :weep: :weep:

If you are going through hell, keep going.

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Re: Аналіз президентських виборів в США
« Reply #260 : Листопада 20, 2020, 02:23:04 02:23 »
9 Key Points from Trump Campaign Press Conference on Challenges to Election Results

Rudy Giuliani and other lawyers representing President Donald Trump’s campaign outlined their case Thursday that the Nov. 3 presidential election was so deeply flawed in several key states that the results should be overturned in the president’s favor.

Giuliani said there was a pattern to the alleged irregularities in key states that suggested, he said, a “plan from a centralized place” to commit voter fraud in cities controlled by Democrats.

He said widespread adoption of vote-by-mail had allowed Democrats to take big-city corruption practices nationwide. “They picked the places where they could get away with it.”

Here are the key allegations the lawyers presented:

1. Observers were allegedly prevented from watching mail-in ballots being opened. Giuliani said that many mail-in ballots were opened without observers being able to check that they were properly signed, a key protection against fraud. Those votes, he said, were “null and void,” especially where the envelopes had been discarded, making recounts useless.

2. Allegedly unequal application of the law in Democratic counties. In Pennsylvania, whose state supreme court created new, relaxed voting rules before the election, Giuliani alleged that absentee voters in Democratic counties were allowed to “cure” defects in their ballots, while voters in Republican counties, which obeyed the state law as written, were not.

3. Voters allegedly arrived at the polls to discover other people had voted for them. Giuliani said that many provisional ballots cast in Pittsburgh were submitted by people who showed up to vote in person, only to be told that they had voted already. He alleged that Democrats had filled out absentee ballots for other people, hoping they would not show up.

4. Election officials were allegedly told not to look for defects in ballots, and to backdate ballots. Giuliani cited an affidavit from an official who swore she was told not to exclude absentee ballots for defects, and to backdate ballots so they would not appear to have been received after Election Day, to avoid a Supreme Court order to sequester those ballots.

5. Ballots casting votes for Joe Biden and no other candidates were allegedly run several times through machines. Giuliani said that there were 60 witnesses in Michigan who would attest to ballots being “produced” quickly and counted twice or thrice. He said that a minimum of 60,000 ballots, and a maximum of 100,000 ballots, were allegedly affected.

6. Absentee ballots were accepted in Wisconsin without being applied for first. Giuliani noted that Wisconsin state law was stricter regarding absentee ballots than most other states are, yet alleged that 60,000 absentee ballots were counted in the Milwaukee area, and 40,000 in the Madison area, without having been applied for properly by the voters who cast them.

7. There were allegedly “overvotes,” with some precincts allegedly recording more voters than residents, among other problems. Giuliani said there was an unusually large number of overvotes in precincts in Michigan and in Wisconsin, which he alleged was the reason that Republicans on the Wayne County Board of Canvassers had refused to certify the results there this week. He also alleged that there were some out-of-state voters in Georgia, and people who had cast votes twice there.

8. Voting machines and software are allegedly owned by companies with ties to the Venezuelan regime and to left-wing donor George Soros. Sidney Powell argued that U.S. votes were being counted overseas, and that Dominion voting machines and Smartmatic software were controlled by foreign interests, manipulating algorithms to change the results. Powell noted specifically that Smartmatic’s owners included two Venezuelan nationals, whom she alleged had ties to the regime of Hugo Chavez and Nicolas Maduro. The legal team alleged that there were statistical anomalies, such as huge batches of votes for Biden, that could not be explained except as manipulation — which, they alleged, happened in the wee hours of the morning as vote-counting had stalled. (The companies have disputed these allegations vigorously.)

9. The Constitution provides a process for electing a president if the vote is corrupted. Jenna Ellis argued that the media, had usurped the power to declare the winner of the election. She made the point, citing Federalist No. 68, that the constitutional process of selecting a president had procedural safeguards against corruption and foreign influence.
Giuliani said that the campaign believed that enough votes were flawed — more than double the margins between Biden and Trump in key states — that the president had a path to victory.

Giuliani presented evidence in the form of sworn affidavits, citing two and noting that the campaign had many more from private individuals.

He noted that several lawsuits that had been dismissed had been filed by private individuals, not the campaign directly. He said lawsuits might be filed in Arizona, and that the campaign was also examining irregularities in New Mexico and Virginia, though he said he did not think there were enough disputed votes in the latter.

Giuliani also took on the media, arguing that they had provided misleading information and condoned threats against Trump’s legal team.

всі ці поінти-фальшак і надумані без долказів.А от один таки є(його в тому шлаку нема)-джулі від напруги що бреше таки потік ЧОРНОЮ фарбою.Видно навіть душа не витримала такої брехливої наруги і потекла тим,чого в джулі за останні трампіські роки назбиралося доволі -чорнотою.......хоча брайтонські дільці кажуть,що то джулі купив фальсифіковану фарбу :smilie5: для волосся у них ,бо грошей на більше хуйло вже не дає. Чутка така ж правдива як джулі пункти.  а чорні потоки поту з фарбою на фотках.:smilie7:

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Re: Аналіз президентських виборів в США
« Reply #261 : Листопада 20, 2020, 02:38:45 02:38 »
 а ось ще один кілок коту.алі і труМпу персонально в тухес-арзонський суддя відкинув вимогу додіка зробити аудит бюлетенів у найбільшій дільниці ,де байден взув труМпа по самі гланди. причина-позов без підстав і є виключно для того,щоб сповільнити сертифікацію виборів по цій дільниці,що і вивела байдена  ПЕРЕМОЖЦЕМ у Арізоні. Штаті де виборці репи померлого сенатора Маккейна добре памятають ,ЯК повівся з ним цей нарциський буффон з БД і проголосували за демократа(одного з найкращих товаришів Мака.) .Фактично Мак віддав додіку все ,що той заслужив "з- того світу".

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Re: Аналіз президентських виборів в США
« Reply #262 : Листопада 20, 2020, 03:03:37 03:03 »
джорджия ручное флип :laugh:
байден виктория
ростов значит ростов

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Re: Аналіз президентських виборів в США
« Reply #263 : Листопада 20, 2020, 03:06:41 03:06 »
джорджия ручное флип :laugh:
байден виктория
ростов значит ростов

А чо ти кажеш флип

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Re: Аналіз президентських виборів в США
« Reply #264 : Листопада 20, 2020, 03:12:03 03:12 »
а ось ще один кілок коту.алі і труМпу персонально в тухес-арзонський суддя відкинув вимогу додіка зробити аудит бюлетенів у найбільшій дільниці ,де байден взув труМпа по самі гланди. причина-позов без підстав і є виключно для того,щоб сповільнити сертифікацію виборів по цій дільниці,що і вивела байдена  ПЕРЕМОЖЦЕМ у Арізоні. Штаті де виборці репи померлого сенатора Маккейна добре памятають ,ЯК повівся з ним цей нарциський буффон з БД і проголосували за демократа(одного з найкращих товаришів Мака.) .Фактично Мак віддав додіку все ,що той заслужив "з- того світу".

Маккейн був покидьком. Це факт.
Як є фактом і те,що Трамп не вчинив жодного злочину у якому імбецили його звинувачують
If you are going through hell, keep going.

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Re: Аналіз президентських виборів в США
« Reply #265 : Листопада 20, 2020, 03:15:45 03:15 »
Маккейн був покидьком. Це факт.
Як є фактом і те,що Трамп не вчинив жодного злочину у якому імбецили його звинувачують

Це не факт, а судження....... Припини ці галімі маніпуляції....

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Re: Аналіз президентських виборів в США
« Reply #266 : Листопада 20, 2020, 04:14:34 04:14 »
Це ти дійсно так думаєш?Що ветеран війни,найбільш любимий американець в Україні був поганим,бо не любив рижу фекалію?На чому грунтуються твої твердження?Може він не платив податки?Може він брехав по 5 раз на хвилину як трумп?

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Re: Аналіз президентських виборів в США
« Reply #267 : Листопада 20, 2020, 04:32:29 04:32 »
Просто люди чекають на вибачення від трампанутих тут на форумі.Ми з надією чекали на те,що трумп виграє Джорджію,республіканську Джорджію.Де навіть останній прибиральник-респ.
Але виграв Байден.Чекаєм покаяння-ми з трумпом збрехали про фальшування виборів.Натомість банда респів тиснула на держсекретаря з метою фальшування в користь трумпа.Лідсі Грем-падлюка чи ні?

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Re: Аналіз президентських виборів в США
« Reply #268 : Листопада 20, 2020, 04:35:41 04:35 »
Це ти дійсно так думаєш?Що ветеран війни,найбільш любимий американець в Україні був поганим,бо не любив рижу фекалію?На чому грунтуються твої твердження?Може він не платив податки?Може він брехав по 5 раз на хвилину як трумп?

Він зрадив свою дружину.
If you are going through hell, keep going.

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Re: Аналіз президентських виборів в США
« Reply #269 : Листопада 20, 2020, 04:54:45 04:54 »
так трумп зробив це раз сто і 2 рази офіційно