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Offline Feral Cat

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Re: Quo vadis, America? Криза...
« Reply #270 : Серпня 01, 2022, 06:50:19 18:50 »
Правдиво про сучасний американський капіталізм


1) Weird theory but hear me out: Marx was right, and the "means of production" matters. In the 1980s, we turned our backs on industrial capitalism (make $ by making things) and embraced financial capitalism (use money to make more money). A substantial portion of our population redundant, and contemptible: "We don't need Bubba. Somebody send Bubba a check and some meth." What flourished within the financial capitalist system was the F.I.R.E.  economy, healthcare, technology and government services.  Everything else withered.

What's more, no one needed Bubba's savings (his pension fund etc.) to invest because the investor class could just go the the banks and draw money (Why pay Bubba interest on his savings? We can just print and invest.) This made Bubba and his middle class penchant for hard
work and delayed gratification even more contemptible: "Truly, fuck Bubba." As the wealth gap widened, the social gap widened. Any labor that was needed was/is imported ("The most honorable workers work for less.") Bubba is held in contempt by people who don't even know him.
There is no fix for this. When the two sides come together next, they will be at each others' throats because

A) Bubba is sick of this shit (Like: both sides of the aisle fail to enforce immigration law for different reasons, but the result is that Bubba is marginalized in his own country while Skip and Karen trot around Jackson Hole in $80 shorts. Bubba has no problem with the shorts that Skip buys (Nuna his business.).He's pissed that you destroyed his job and the "save-to-invest system" that kept him clothed, housed, fed and relevant.

He's also a teeny bit pissed that Skip destroyed the monetary system in a bid to accumulate the money to buy a super yacht, while simultaneously producing nothing of any real value. Bubba wants to strangle Skip every time that he hits a pothole

Because there is no big, exciting money in the boring infrastructure bonds that Bubba's retirement account was (mostly) invested in, our public infrastructure is falling apart outside the crumbling factories that Bubba drives by on his way to the VFW Post.

 (B) Robots and AI have made Skip and Karen just as replaceable as Bubba and the move is already on to replace them in the Financial Capitalist system; they thought that the people in the C suites/limos were there friends. They aren't. Skip/Karen are about to become desperate.
 TPTB want to insure that Bubba and Skip go at it hand-and-fist. Karen will jump in and pull hair from time to time.
 Bubba isn't blameless in all of this. He voted for Reps or Dems while both parties screwed him. Bubba took the checks and Bubba took the meth. Bubba let his skills, education and middle-class virtue slide. Bubba watched when he should have participated.

It's a real pisser and there is no solution until both sides break down each others' egos: rock bottom for Bubba and Skip is where we will have to begin to rebuild our country and our lives.
If you are going through hell, keep going.

Offline Feral Cat

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Re: Quo vadis, America? Криза...
« Reply #271 : Серпня 01, 2022, 07:23:13 19:23 »
Нехуйово ндрукували грошенят за 70 років  :weep: :weep: :weep: :weep:

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Offline Ali(UA)

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Re: Quo vadis, America? Криза...
« Reply #272 : Серпня 01, 2022, 09:40:02 21:40 »
Ну шо там Трампа вже садять? чи новинний хайп скінчився ...

Offline Feral Cat

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Re: Quo vadis, America? Криза...
« Reply #273 : Серпня 05, 2022, 02:47:39 02:47 »
If you are going through hell, keep going.

Offline Feral Cat

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Re: Quo vadis, America? Криза...
« Reply #274 : Серпня 07, 2022, 10:12:45 22:12 »
If you are going through hell, keep going.

Offline Ali(UA)

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Re: Quo vadis, America? Криза...
« Reply #275 : Серпня 09, 2022, 05:06:25 05:06 »
Говорят Трампа зарейдили ФБИ в Маралаго


Offline Ali(UA)

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Re: Quo vadis, America? Криза...
« Reply #276 : Серпня 09, 2022, 05:11:17 05:11 »
нахера этот старый гандон такое вытворяет? хочет трампа назад на трон посадить?

Offline Feral Cat

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Re: Quo vadis, America? Криза...
« Reply #277 : Серпня 09, 2022, 05:59:31 05:59 »
нахера этот старый гандон такое вытворяет? хочет трампа назад на трон посадить?

Yes!   :smiley24: :lol:
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Offline RG

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Re: Quo vadis, America? Криза...
« Reply #278 : Серпня 09, 2022, 09:34:08 09:34 »
Говорят Трампа зарейдили ФБИ в Маралаго

Offline Feral Cat

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Re: Quo vadis, America? Криза...
« Reply #279 : Серпня 10, 2022, 03:41:42 15:41 »
If you are going through hell, keep going.

Offline Uki

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Re: Quo vadis, America? Криза...
« Reply #280 : Серпня 10, 2022, 06:06:37 18:06 »

Ну так вона про Тайвань..... Тайвань вважає себе Китаєм

Offline Feral Cat

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Re: Quo vadis, America? Криза...
« Reply #281 : Серпня 10, 2022, 06:27:32 18:27 »
Мені просто цікаво, хто насправді приймає рішення Білому Домі...

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Offline RG

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Re: Quo vadis, America? Криза...
« Reply #282 : Серпня 10, 2022, 10:05:28 22:05 »
Мені просто цікаво, хто насправді приймає рішення Білому Домі...

Діпстейт же  :smilie8:

Offline Feral Cat

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Re: Quo vadis, America? Криза...
« Reply #283 : Серпня 17, 2022, 04:31:29 16:31 »
A group of students and professors at the University of Virginia is demanding that school officials be forbidden to quote Thomas Jefferson despite the fact that Jefferson founded the school. Some 469 people signed an open letter to the university's president, saying they were "deeply offended" by references to the historical figure, The Washington Post reports. Since Jefferson owned slaves, they wrote, any reference to him in official communications "undermines the message of unity, equality, and civility that you are attempting to convey."


UVA student paper demands removal of all things Thomas Jefferson
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Offline Feral Cat

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Re: Quo vadis, America? Криза...
« Reply #284 : Серпня 18, 2022, 05:21:21 05:21 »
Making Americans Your Enemies
Kyle Shideler

How the government shifted its “Counter-Extremism” strategy to target the mainstream.
The narrative is here, and it doesn’t like you very much.

In recent remarks before members of the U.S. House Homeland Security Committee, the chief of the D.C. Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency claimed that domestic extremism has become “part of the cultural mainstream.”

Former DHS official and USA Today contributor Elizabeth Neumann agrees: “Far-Right Extremists went mainstream under Trump.”

“Extremists have gone mainstream,” echoes journalist Zahra Ahmad. “Lawyers, realtors and every-day folks make up their ranks.” Ahmad cites a figure suggesting a quarter of Americans hold “ideas incubated by white nationalists.”

Not to be left out, NPR warns that white extremism “seeps” into the mainstream. The Atlantic says the mainstream has gone extremist too. A study by the Chicago Project on Security and Threats warns that most January 6 “insurrectionists” were mainstream to the extreme:

They work as CEOs, shop owners, doctors, lawyers, IT specialists, and accountants. Strikingly, court documents indicate that only 9 percent are unemployed. Of the earlier far-right extremist suspects we studied, 61 percent were under 35, 25 percent were unemployed, and almost none worked in white-collar occupations.

The Chicago Project is led by Robert Pape, a University of Chicago academic best known for declaring that Islamic extremism plays no role in suicide bombings and who once urged a U.S. government-identified front group for the terror organization Hamas to purchase copies to promote his book. So it’s an open question whether Pape and company can actually identify extremism when they see it.


The Elites are the Extremists

This is not sustainable. The mainstream of a society cannot be extremist. It might be foolish, or misled, or prone to irrational things, as crowds often are. The mainstream of a society might even be immoral or wicked in an objective sense when measured against other societies. But what it cannot be is extreme. An elite, however, can be extremist. An elite’s views may be so outside the mainstream of the society, beholden to foreign ideologies, that their views are unrecognizable to those they purport to lead.

Perhaps it is finally time that America’s elite, who have been increasingly acting as occupiers, to pay mainstream Americans the same respect they previously deigned to provide only to foreigners committed to their ways of life.

Respect the mainstream’s traditions, and don’t mock their customs. Drink a cup of tea, or three, with their elders. Sit quietly, and nod politely, during their religious ceremonies. Let them run their own affairs.

And don’t treat them as the root cause of all the world’s evil
« Останнє редагування: Серпня 18, 2022, 05:32:17 05:32 від Feral Cat »
If you are going through hell, keep going.

Offline Feral Cat

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Re: Quo vadis, America? Криза...
« Reply #285 : Серпня 18, 2022, 06:28:24 06:28 »
If you are going through hell, keep going.

Offline Ali(UA)

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Re: Quo vadis, America? Криза...
« Reply #286 : Серпня 18, 2022, 06:53:17 06:53 »
я б этих активистов на деревьях вешал. забебали. вот сука не ймется им свой социальный инжиниринг на детях применять.

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Re: Quo vadis, America? Криза...
« Reply #287 : Серпня 18, 2022, 10:40:42 10:40 »
Що, Амєріка разваліваєцца ? (с)  :moskali:

Offline Feral Cat

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Re: Quo vadis, America? Криза...
« Reply #288 : Серпня 21, 2022, 05:24:38 17:24 »
If you are going through hell, keep going.

Offline Ostap.L

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Re: Quo vadis, America? Криза...
« Reply #289 : Серпня 21, 2022, 08:37:46 20:37 »
Мені просто цікаво, хто насправді приймає рішення Білому Домі...


я подібне вже бачив - остання стадія Лєоніда Іліча. Рішення про ввід військ в Афган приймали без нього...
Не треба перебільшувати роль особистості в історії. Коли суспільство деградує то з"являються вожді з однією ногою в труні, а потім мертвий хапає живого. До речі, Чорнобильській реактор був спроектован саме за Брєжнєва як дешева альтернатива, то вже не мало значення хто буде наступним генсеком.

Offline RG

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Re: Quo vadis, America? Криза...
« Reply #290 : Серпня 21, 2022, 09:02:38 21:02 »

Offline Feral Cat

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Re: Quo vadis, America? Криза...
« Reply #291 : Серпня 24, 2022, 05:24:19 17:24 »
Чолові нашої спікерки бухий як чіп...  :lol: :lol:

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Offline Uki

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Re: Quo vadis, America? Криза...
« Reply #292 : Серпня 25, 2022, 02:45:11 14:45 »
В одному із шкільних дистриктів Штата міссурі повернули покарання дітей лозинами

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Re: Quo vadis, America? Криза...
« Reply #293 : Серпня 25, 2022, 03:13:22 15:13 »
В одному із шкільних дистриктів Штата міссурі повернули покарання дітей лозинами


Offline Ali(UA)

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Не їдьте до Техасу
« Reply #294 : Серпня 25, 2022, 05:32:39 17:32 »

уже не знають шо робити...

Offline Uki

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Re: Quo vadis, America? Криза...
« Reply #295 : Серпня 25, 2022, 06:32:54 18:32 »
Ти правий. Це огидна пропаганда  :smiley23:

Offline Адам Жоржович

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Re: Не їдьте до Техасу
« Reply #296 : Серпня 25, 2022, 08:34:50 20:34 »

уже не знають шо робити...

За такою логікою the California dream died in Stockton in 1989.  :smilie8:

Дибіли бля.  :fp2
« Останнє редагування: Серпня 25, 2022, 08:37:57 20:37 від Uki »

Offline Feral Cat

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Re: Quo vadis, America? Криза...
« Reply #297 : Серпня 26, 2022, 03:06:44 03:06 »
If you are going through hell, keep going.

Offline Ali(UA)

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Re: Quo vadis, America? Криза...
« Reply #298 : Серпня 26, 2022, 03:54:43 03:54 »
все больше и больше вскрывается что же происходило в ковидном 2020 году...

Offline Feral Cat

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Re: Quo vadis, America? Криза...
« Reply #299 : Серпня 26, 2022, 07:29:11 07:29 »
If you are going through hell, keep going.