Автор Тема: Бімба! Bomb! Biden! Фейсбук заборонив поширювати статтю про Байденів.  (Прочитано 9029 раз)

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If you are going through hell, keep going.

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Дрочиво галіме  :smilie7:

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Скільки трампівського гівна доведеться вичищати звідусіль!  :fp2
Мы верим в бога, они - в Путина.

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А копію драйва Руді Джуліані отримав у вересні від хлопа, якому синок Байдена віддав комп для ремонту, а потім забув забрати. От до чого доводить наркота. :gigi:
Що за хлопи з ремонтом, це ж не 97 рік

Offline Feral Cat

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If you are going through hell, keep going.

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Думаю, інформація від кацапів......

Казки про господаря ремонтної майстерні, який копирсається на чужих харддрайвах для ідіотів.......

ПС Синочка це не виправдовує ніяк.....

Offline Ali(UA)

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я не люблю подобные истории. идеальных лбдей не бывает.

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Думаю, інформація від кацапів......

Казки про господаря ремонтної майстерні, який копирсається на чужих харддрайвах для ідіотів.......

ПС Синочка це не виправдовує ніяк.....

да и топик стартер от кацапов

Offline Feral Cat

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да и топик стартер от кацапов

Хто тут від кацапів на 100% так це ти.
If you are going through hell, keep going.

Offline Feral Cat

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Думаю, інформація від кацапів......

Казки про господаря ремонтної майстерні, який копирсається на чужих харддрайвах для ідіотів.......

ПС Синочка це не виправдовує ніяк.....

Ну нахєра розумного корчити?...

« Останнє редагування: Жовтня 16, 2020, 07:56:17 19:56 від Feral Cat »
If you are going through hell, keep going.

Offline coolzak

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Тупізна не має меж.Байден сказав що він накаже поліції стріляти тільки по ногам
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Offline Ali(UA)

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Тупізна не має меж.Байден сказав що він накаже поліції стріляти тільки по ногам
по ногах Байдена ???

Offline RG

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Думаю, інформація від кацапів......

Казки про господаря ремонтної майстерні, який копирсається на чужих харддрайвах для ідіотів.......

ПС Синочка це не виправдовує ніяк.....

'Пльонкі Деркача', 2 сезон   :)

Offline Feral Cat

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If you are going through hell, keep going.

Offline Feral Cat

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  • Never give in!
If you are going through hell, keep going.

Offline coolzak

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Ходять слухи що серед компромату відео Хантера в Китаї де він трахає малолеток і що відео випустчтять нв обіг з понеділка .Хз чи то правда
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Offline Feral Cat

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Цілком можливо.
Руді злий на ФБР.
If you are going through hell, keep going.

Offline Ali(UA)

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Ходять слухи що серед компромату відео Хантера в Китаї де він трахає малолеток і що відео випустчтять нв обіг з понеділка .Хз чи то правда
галівуд нє удівітся а навіть похвалить :lol:

Offline RG

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Ходять слухи що серед компромату відео Хантера в Китаї де він трахає малолеток і що відео випустчтять нв обіг з понеділка .Хз чи то правда

А чого аж в понеділок, кацапи ще не встигли зняти до кінця ? Мабуть, десь в Бурятії знімають, шоб під Китай виглядало натуральніше :smilie1:

Offline coolzak

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John Paul Mac Issac is not an agent or spy for anyone. He is his own man. How do I know? I have known his dad for more than 20 years. I’ve known John Paul’s dad as Mac. Mac is a decorated Vietnam Veteran, who flew gunships in Vietnam.

And he continued his military service with an impeccable record until he retired as an Air Force Colonel. The crews of those gunships have an annual reunion and Mac usually takes John Paul along, who volunteers his computer and video skills to record and compile the stories of those brave men who served their country in a difficult war.

This story is very simple–Hunter Biden dropped off three computers with liquid damage at a repair shop in Wilmington, Delaware on April 12, 2019. The owner, John Paul Mac Issac, examined the three and determined that one was beyond recovery, one was okay and the data on the hard drive of the third could be recovered. Hunter signed the service ticket and John Paul Mac Issac repaired the hard drive and downloaded the data. During this process he saw some disturbing images and a number of emails that concerned Ukraine, Burisma, China and other issues. With the work completed, Mr. Mac Issac prepared an invoice, sent it to Hunter Biden and notified him that the computer was ready to be retrieved.

 Hunter did not respond. In the ensuing four months (May, June, July and August), Mr. Mac Issac made repeated efforts to contact Hunter Biden. Biden never answered and never responded. More importantly, Biden stiffed John Paul Mac Issac–i.e., he did not pay the bill.

When the manufactured Ukraine crisis surfaced in August 2019, John Paul realized he was sitting on radioactive material that might be relevant to the investigation. After conferring with his father, Mac and John Paul decided that Mac would take the information to the FBI office in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Mac walked into the Albuquerque FBI office and spoke with an agent who refused to give his name. Mac explained the material he had, but was rebuffed by the FBI. He was told basically, get lost. This was mid-September 2019.

Two months passed and then, out of the blue, the FBI contacted John Paul Mac Issac. Two FBI agents from the Wilmington FBI office–Joshua Williams and Mike Dzielak–came to John Paul’s business. He offered immediately to give them the hard drive, no strings attached. Agents Williams and Dzielak declined to take the device.

Two weeks later, the intrepid agents called and asked to come and image the hard drive. John Paul agreed but, instead of taking the hard drive or imaging the drive, they gave him a subpoena. It was part of a grand jury proceeding but neither agent said anything about the purpose of the grand jury. John Paul complied with the subpoena and turned over the hard drive and the computer.

In the ensuing months, starting with the impeachment trial of President Trump, he heard nothing from the FBI and knew that none of the evidence from the hard drive had been shared with President Trump’s defense team.

The lack of action and communication with the FBI led John Paul to make the fateful decision to contact Rudy Giuliani’s office and offer a copy of the drive to the former mayor. We now know that Rudy accepted John Paul’s offer and that Rudy’s team shared the information with the New York Post.

John Paul Mac Issac is not responsible for the emails, images and videos recovered from Hunter Biden’s computer. He was hired to do a job, he did the job and submitted an invoice for the work. Hunter Biden, for some unexplained reason, never responded and never asked for the computer. But that changed last Tuesday, October 13, 2020. A person claiming to be Hunter Biden’s lawyer called John Paul Mac Issac and asked for the computer to be returned. Too late. That horse had left the barn and was with the FBI.

John Paul, acting under Delaware law, understood that Hunter’s computer became the property of his business 90 days after it had been abandoned.

At no time did John Paul approach any media outlet or tabloid offering to sell salacious material. A person of lesser character might have tried to profit. But that is not the essence of John Paul Mac Issac. He had information in his possession that he learned, thanks to events subsequent to receiving the computer for a repair job, was relevant to the security of our nation. He did what any clear thinking American would do–he, through his father, contacted the FBI. When the FBI finally responded to his call for help, John cooperated fully and turned over all material requested.

The failure here is not John Paul’s. He did his job. The FBI dropped the ball and, by extension, the Department of Justice. Sadly, this is becoming a disturbing, repeating theme–the FBI through incompetence or malfeasance is not doing its job.

Any news outlet that is publishing the damnable lie that John Paul is part of some subversive effort to interfere in the United States Presidential election is on notice. That is slander and defamation. Fortunately, the evidence from Hunter Biden’s computer is in the hands of the FBI and Rudy Giuliani and, I suspect, the U.S. Senate. Those with the power to do something must act. John Paul Mac Issac’s honor is intact. We cannot say the same for those government officials who have a duty to deal with this information.
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А, знову хлоп з компутером.

Вірніше, вже з трьома компутерами   :lol:

Посилання де, клоуне ?  :smilie7:

PS. А де Іудушка, відгул взяв ? Він же тут по доставці всілякої хуйні ніби спеціалізується ?

Offline Feral Cat

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Цікавий буде тиждень.

А бідолаха Джо знов заховався до четверга. Сцить...

Одне питання:

В яких ще відсталих країнах, що отримують фінансову допомогу від США, Байден вимагав негайної відставки генерального прокурора?  :smilie7: :smilie5: :smilie7:
If you are going through hell, keep going.

Offline Feral Cat

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If you are going through hell, keep going.

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То ноутбук інший ?  :weep:

Offline Feral Cat

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Establishment Disinformation Is Killing Western Democracy
Establishment disinformation and censorship are causing more offline harm than any other force.

By Jeff Giesea

October 17, 2020
Afew years ago I participated in a national security work group on disinformation. I was the only one in the group of about 20 people who had openly supported Trump in 2016. The other attendees were smart and professional, but there was a noticeable imbalance in partisan representation.

Since then, I’ve followed the disinformation community and have studied these issues. I take them seriously. My conclusion? Establishment disinformation, more than any other form of disinformation, is killing Western democracy. Establishment disinformation has caused more real-world harm to Western democracy than any other force in the last two decades.

Consider the fallout from the sweeping information operations promoting lies about weapons of mass destruction. Remember how difficult it was to question these claims at the time? The WMD narrative created the pretext for wars that cost $6.4 trillion and 801,000 lives, according to a Brown University study. And we continue to pay the price. The suicide rate among veterans remains double that of the nation as a whole, and we’re still not out of Afghanistan after nearly 20 years.

Consider also the impact of the fake Russian collusion narrative—the lives ruined, loss of public trust, increased polarization, and damage to the peaceful transfer of presidential power, a cornerstone of healthy democracy.

It is now a proven fact that Hillary Clinton and her Democratic National Committee stooges initiated a coordinated, multimillion-dollar disinformation campaign to undermine Donald Trump and detract from her email scandal. Establishment media breathlessly amplified false, paranoid, and circular narratives, many of which were greased by actual Russian disinformation laundered through the Steele dossier. Where are the calls from establishment media to identify journalists paid by Fusion GPS?

The FBI knew the Steele dossier and collusion narrative were false, just as they knew Hillary Clinton had weaponized these issues to cover up her email scandal—and they still used it as a predicate to spy on Trump’s campaign and launch the Mueller investigation, falsifying documents along the way. The FBI’s actions represent the greatest abuse of law enforcement power in half a century, and they were largely fueled by establishment disinformation.

Now consider the destruction and real-world harm caused by narratives about police racism following the death in May of George Floyd. Many of these narratives were based on falsehoods, anecdotes, and incidents where full information was suppressed to advance Black Lives Matter and Antifa mobilization efforts. The vandalism and looting that took place caused $1 billion to $2 billion in damages. Homicides are up 24 percent from last year in America’s 50 largest cities.

Of course, the looting and riots took place against the backdrop of the pseudo-academic “1619 Project,” an establishment journalism disinformation effort that subverts the history of America’s founding in a way Russia Today or People’s Daily could only dream of doing. It would be tempting to dismiss the “1619 Project” as a fringe polemic by radical journalists, except it was sponsored by the New York Times, won the Pulitzer Prize, and now shapes public school curricula. That’s as established-endorsed as one can get. But the project is so factually flawed that there is now a movement to revoke its Pulitzer by the National Association of Scholars.

Then there’s the most destructive event of 2020: the pandemic. Establishment disinformation around COVID-19 is hard to pinpoint, but anyone paying attention can see the wreckage of attempts to advance certain narratives and suppress others. Remember when the U.S. Surgeon General said masks weren’t effective and then flip-flopped? Or how anyone questioning lockdowns was persecuted? Or how Facebook and Twitter banned posts downplaying COVID’s deadliness? Now even the World Health Organization has moderated its position on lockdowns, which have caused unprecedented job losses, business closures, and economic damage.

Establishment disinformation comes from both sides of the political aisle, but the “woke” radicalization of the Left combined with Trump derangement and a left-leaning media have given it a far-Left flavor. Thus, fake attacks against Jussie Smollett and Althea Bernstein go unquestioned by the same media that slanders the Covington kids and Brett Kavanaugh. Leaks targeting Trump are not scrutinized or censored in the same way they are when targeting Biden or his son Hunter. Dictionary definitions are conveniently changed to enforce establishment narratives.

It may be a cliché, but Orwell didn’t write 1984 as a playbook. Yet here we are. As a friend quipped recently: “I thought we were becoming more like Brazil. Instead we’re looking more like East Germany.”

Establishment disinformation becomes tyrannical when false establishment narratives are combined with the active suppression of authentic dissenting discourse, which has been made highly efficient by the consolidation of discourse on social media platforms. Instead of state persecution and social credit scores, citizens of Western democracies face deplatforming, job losses, and character assassination by power-crazed, petty hall-monitor journalists and Soros-funded NGO researchers. Today’s Hester Prynne is the person who says all lives matter or gender is real. Woke narratives are our Xi Jinping Thought.

There are constructive ways we could address establishment disinformation, but you are unlikely to hear the disinformation community talk about it as an issue. That’s because much of the disinformation community consists of partisans who operate as arms of the DNC and left-wing foundations. While the Right has stupidly ignored these issues, the Left has weaponized “countering disinformation” as a DNC strategy backed by millions of dollars. The term has become so abused that a friend now jokes that “disinfo researcher” in someone’s Twitter bio is code for “DNC hack.” As you can imagine, the partisan weaponization of disinformation has done untold damage to the civic unity needed to address these issues in good faith.

There’s still a segment of disinformation researchers who are earnest, fair, and professional. But these folks almost all lean Left and exist in institutional environments that prevent pushing back on establishment narratives. This is why we haven’t seen reports on the Steele dossier or WMDs as disinformation case studies. And this is why we never hear BLM discussed in the same way QAnon is, even though any neutral definition would label them both conspiracy movements—with BLM causing dramatically more offline harm. Meanwhile, challenging the First Amendment has become part of the zeitgeist for many of these people, an argument Emily Bazelon articulates in a recent New York Times Magazine essay.

My focus on establishment disinformation is not meant to underplay disinformation from foreign adversaries and bad actors. Those remain important issues. But there’s something particularly insidious about coordinated false narratives from authority figures and institutions in our own democracies. It’s even more insidious when the legitimate threat of foreign disinformation is instrumentalized to advance establishment narratives, as we saw in Russiagate and as we’re seeing again with the Hunter Biden leaks.

I am not saying there are not legitimate issues to discuss. For example, how to handle hack-and-leaks and how to appropriately regulate social media platforms are valid, complex issues. But at the very least we should strive to apply neutral principles evenly and consistently. That’s not what we’ve seen.

Establishment disinformation abuses public trust. It too often goes unchecked. No one in the disinformation community talks about it. Until we confront the problem of establishment disinformation, Western democracy will suffer and the rise of a new, networked form of tyranny will condemn those who step out of line.

If you are going through hell, keep going.

Offline Feral Cat

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Hunter Biden’s business partner gave over access to his (the partners) email.

All of this stuff is authentic.

Will it be ignored?
Quote Tweet

If you are going through hell, keep going.

Offline Ali(UA)

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Мне будет интересно, если бидон просрет в идеальных для себя условиях - тотальная поддержка соц сетей на уровне руководства, превосходство в медиа каналах и прессе, ковид, террор.... и если он даже в этих условиях умудрится просрать, это будет означать поражение устоявшейся модели последних выборов по всему миру... когда достаточно годик полить говна и народ как те тупые овцы бегут ненавидеть кого прикажут

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Much of the push to ignore The Post’s drop of Hunter Biden’s e-mails centers on the charge that it’s all “unverified.” The claim is more excuse than truth.

First, a host of media outlets have now interviewed the computer-repair guy who provided the data at the heart of these exposés — and he’s said exactly what we’ve reported from the start about how the laptop came into his possession.

Second, neither Hunter nor Joe Biden has even questioned the fact that the drive is real — they merely dismiss the entire line of questioning, while charging that The Post has an agenda in presenting it to the world.

Third, we’ve published emails and pictures — most of which have nothing to do with Ukraine or China — that contain an extraordinary level of detail. Is that all fabricated? The Biden campaign’s response, notably, is not that an e-mail from a Burisma official thanking Hunter for an introduction to his father isn’t real, it’s that said meeting doesn’t show up on Joe’s “official” schedules. Pressed by Politico, the campaign acknowledged that they couldn’t say for certain if Joe Biden had met him casually.
If you are going through hell, keep going.

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 цікаво дивитися на марні старання трампанзів наших розвинути чергову ПЕРЕДВИБОРЧУвисосану з пальця новину на рівні 2016 року по гілларі.Тоді вдалося на дурняка тримати ту брехню(бо дальше ніж передвиборча бла-блато не пішло) і тепер трампанзе знову пробують то саме.Дурні не розуміють,що два рази з тим самим не вийде.А іншого вони не мають за пазухою.