Автор Тема: кілька слів про роль Європи, Росії та США в урегулюванні української кризи ...  (Прочитано 1328 раз)

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коротко - Європа має дуже низькі моральні стандарти хоча заявляє про права людини, демократію і т.д.
США не дуже хочуть але змушені розгрібати проблеми створенні в тому числі і Європою

вибачайте що англійською


цікавий факт - першими "зеленими" в Європі були нацисти - вони наприймали купу законів по захисту навколишнього середовища  :smilie10: а от захист людей їх менше хвилював - як і теперішніх "зелених" та лівих в Європі

Green Politics Made Europe Vulnerable to Putin
Germany's dependence on renewable energy is a bonanza for Gazprom.

March 20, 2014 7:58 p.m. ET
Alaska's Sen. Lisa Murkowski called on President Obama this month to lift the ban on exports of U.S. natural gas to Europe. For the sake of European independence, we can only hope the administration listens.

Until the crisis over Ukraine, there was an inbuilt tendency in Germany to embrace closer ties with Russia. Former Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder is close to Vladimir Putin (he has compared Russia's intervention in Ukraine to NATO's action against Serbia in the 1990s) and is chairman of the board of Gazprom OGZPY -1.08%  joint-venture pipeline company Nord Stream. In 2012, Russia piped 30 billion cubic meters of natural gas to Germany, accounting for 28% of the 105.5 billion cubic meters of gas delivered to the European Union.

Friendships aside, the most significant driver of German energy-related foreign policy has been its powerful Green Party. Other countries considering letting domestic or foreign policy be determined by environmentalists would do well to consider where Germany's embrace of environmentalism has led.

Germany's Greens first emerged as a political force at the end of the 1970s at a time of acute East-West tension. In response to deployment of Soviet midrange SS-20 missiles, NATO decided to station Pershing missiles in Germany. Massive, sometimes violent, demonstrations against nuclear power and nuclear missiles swept Germany. Whether consciously or not, the protesters were doing the Kremlin's work in trying to split the Atlantic alliance.

The protests turned the German left into the voice of radical environmentalism—a historical shift. Old Nazis and neo-Nazis had been the bearers of Germany's culture of ecological politics, which had been marginalized with Hitler's defeat. German environmentalism was antidemocratic and anticapitalist. The Nazis were Europe's greenest party, passing laws to extend protected forests and banning animal vivisection while performing hideous experiments on human beings.

In October 1980, Germany's Green Party was formed to stand in parliamentary and state elections. Eighteen years later it entered government in a Red-Green coalition with the left-of-center SPD and in 2000 successfully pushed for the gradual phaseout of nuclear power.

The Greens' biggest triumph came with Germany's adoption of its Energiewende, the transition to renewable energy. The policy is a long-term bonanza for Gazprom. It means that Germany will buy more and more Russian gas because it cannot depend on electricity from unreliable wind and solar to power its industries and keep the lights on.

The emergence of the Greens has had a huge impact on German and European politics. But not all of Europe is so enthusiastic or willfully naive about dependence on Russian gas. Some countries are looking to America for alternatives.

Russia supplies around one third of the EU's gas, but the proportion rises the farther east you go. The Baltic states and Bulgaria buy all their gas from Russia. In the middle are Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary, dependent for 50% of their gas on Russia. Those countries, acting as the Visegrad Four, have opposed German attempts (which are supported by Britain and France) to institutionalize aggressive decarbonization policies across the EU.

Earlier this month, the prime ministers of the Visegrad Four condemned Russia's action in Ukraine, saying it created "a dangerous new reality in Europe." Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk warned that Europe risks paralysis as "exorbitant" climate policies could well make the EU more dependent on Russian energy. The four nations' ambassadors in Washington have asked congressional leaders for help lifting barriers on U.S. natural gas exports.

There are now more than a dozen pipelines supplying Europe with Russian gas, and as gas prices are mostly indexed to the world price of crude oil, the price of that gas has risen sharply. Yet President Obama dithers over approving the Keystone XL pipeline and is passive in response to European appeals for American gas.

Opening up European markets to American gas would help shake Gazprom's hold on those countries most dependent on Russian supplies. Mr. Obama needs to face down the greens in his own party and open up North America's abundant oil and gas reserves to the world.

Mr. Darwall is the author of "The Age of Global Warming: A History" (Quartet, 2013).

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просто бізнес і нічого особистого  :shuffle:
а геополітика то для Обами та Керрі з котрих ми європейці поржемо
як Жак Ширак ржав з Буша коли продавав Хусейну атомні технології

нижче - керівник Зіменсу зустрівся з Путіним 3 дні тому і запевнив його у відданості плідної співпраці


(Reuters) - The chief executive of Germany's Siemens said his firm supported a "trusting relationship" with Russian companies after meeting President Vladimir Putin at his residence outside Moscow on Wednesday.

The United States has levied sanctions against several Russian individuals - including Russian Railways boss Vladimir Yakunin - over Moscow's annexation of Crimea.

Engineering conglomerate Siemens has a partnership with Russian Railways, the state railway monopoly, under which it provides high-speed trains for rail lines between St Petersburg, Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod, according to the Siemens website.

"We support a trusting relationship with Russian companies," Siemens Chief Executive Joe Kaeser told journalists in response to a question whether the sanctions against Yakunin could affect its projects with the rail firm.

Russian Railways has said the decision to put Yakunin on the U.S. blacklist is unjustified.

Kaeser said the German government had not pressured him in any way over his visit to Russia. "There was no pressure, when the head of a major German company, which has worked in Russia for 160 years, came to meet with the Russian president," he said.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel, asked during a news conference in Berlin whether she was opposed to Kaeser's meeting with Putin, said business contacts with Russia were still in place and she hoped sanctions would not have to move to the next level.

"(The head of BDI industry lobby) told me today that a value system is highly important for business, too because business investment relies on reliability," Merkel said. "There can only be reliability if contracts and international treaties are adhered to.

"But Russia must know that if certain further international treaties are broken, then we are ready for a tough reaction. That's an important message."

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ну чого ж?
умови праці нацистів так само хвилювали - просторі приміщення, гарне освітлення, дерева, травичка на території...

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ну чого ж?
умови праці нацистів так само хвилювали - просторі приміщення, гарне освітлення, дерева, травичка на території...

умови праці то умови праці

тут про бажання Європи йти туди куди їх язик каже - наміри та заяви то одне, а практичні дії трохи інше
а по факту маємо сучасну євро політ еліту котрій дуже комфортно мати бізнес з Росією
на це і був розрахунок Путіна

Offline MakYury

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ну чого ж?
умови праці нацистів так само хвилювали - просторі приміщення, гарне освітлення, дерева, травичка на території...

умови праці то умови праці

тут про бажання Європи йти туди куди їх язик каже - наміри та заяви то одне, а практичні дії трохи інше
а по факту маємо сучасну євро політ еліту котрій дуже комфортно мати бізнес з Росією
на це і був розрахунок Путіна

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« Останнє редагування: Березня 29, 2014, 05:51:45 17:51 від MakYury »